The Concentration with Honors

The Thesis Program in Asian Studies provides concentrators an opportunity to explore a topic of interest to them in depth.  The thesis is pursued over one semester and winter study, in close consultation with the thesis advisor.  The final project may be: an original work based on research that is 30 to 60 pages in length; or an exhibition or performance together with a substantial written introduction that contextualizes the creative work.


  • Declared concentrator.
  • A record of work of honors caliber, typically defined as a grade point average of at least 3.5 in courses counted toward the Asian Studies concentration.
  • Approval of thesis proposal in the spring semester for fall theses, and in the fall semester for spring theses.
  • The thesis course (ASIA 493 or 494) and winter study (ASIA 31) are in addition to the six courses required for the concentration. The thesis can be counted as the capstone project for the concentration.

Application Process:

  • Thesis proposals should explain the topic and questions to be investigated, the scope of the work, the approach to be taken, and the original scholarly contribution. The proposal should include a preliminary bibliography.  It should also identify the thesis advisor who has agreed to work with the concentrator on this project.
  • Thesis proposals should be submitted to the chair of the Asian Studies Program by 5:00 pm on the Friday after spring break (April 8, 2022) for a fall thesis, and the Monday after fall reading period (October 17, 2022) for a spring thesis.
  • Acceptance to the Thesis Program will be determined by the Asian Studies Advisory Committee.


  • If your proposal is approved, you should meet with your advisor to discuss your plan for working on the thesis and to determine intermediate deadlines.
  • Theses pursued over the fall semester and winter study will be due on the last day of winter study (January 26, 2023). Theses pursued over winter study and the spring semester will be due on the Friday two weeks before the last day of classes (April 28, 2023).
  • The thesis will be presented at the Senior Symposium.


  • The grade for the thesis (the one semester and the winter study) will be determined by the thesis advisor and one additional faculty reader. The grade must be a B+ or higher to qualify for honors.  Acceptance into the Thesis Program does not guarantee that you will receive honors.
  • The honors designation will be determined by the Asian Studies Advisory Committee.
  • A thesis in progress can be converted into an independent study. The grade for the independent study will be determined by the advisor, and there will be no conferral of honors.